Sitemap - 2010 - What Death has Taught Me About Life

A poem I share with the bereaved.

Life isn't that short.

When we don't feel like being thankful.

Sadness envelops the day.

Waiting for death to come.

Don't believe the hype.

Didn't he see the warning signs?

Medical professionals who are anything but.

Deciding to be happy.

When the patient is a child.

Let your kids play----- P.S. We are all kids at heart.

Filling up time.

Do good intentions count? Do actions really speak louder than words?

Don't lose yourself to the details of life.

Put the gadget down. Please.

Life lessons from a kitten.

Having less is the secret to happiness.

Tune in.

Don't Worry. Be Happy.

Animals know.

Reality is at times an illusion.

People can make us crazy.

Safety first.

How much information do we really need to know.

Looks can be deceiving.

In search of perfection.

The little voice inside our head.

Can we ever be who we really are?

The Power of One.

A very bad day, a very bad death.

Create a Memory Day On Father's Day.

Small losses fill buckets.

I don't have cancer, but can my day still suck?

The life around me.

What we think we do for love.

Life, death and religious icons.

Embrace the Ordinary Day.

The two questions I hate answering the most.

Into the arms of strangers.

When life hands you lemons....throw them back.

We need a GPS for life.

On Love.

When the Caregiver has nothing left to give.

The Comfort Zone.

Mother's Day. A Bittersweet Day.

When death does not bring pain.

We never really do grow up.

Just a Thought for Today.

Please don't say "Are you Okay?"

Suddenly gone.

When we cannot kiss it and make it all better.

Till Death do us Part........

Our Sanctuary. Our Bed.

What this hospice nurse hates.

We are never going to get caught up.

What we can learn about living longer from the ones that have and have not.

Don't listen to so called "experts" so much. Embrace your Common Sense Instead.

Hug Your Loved Ones More.

7 Things you Shouldn't say at a Funeral.

Yes, go ahead. Love your stuff.

The Power of No.

Want love? Get a Dog. Seriously. (Here are some of ours.)

Give Yourself and Others a 20% Grace Factor.

Little Pieces of Myself

Holiday weekend break

Holidays and the Bereaved

Hope Lives Eternal.

Learn to Be Content

Listen to What Your Body has to Say

First Lesson: People Just Really Need People.

Why I am starting this blog